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  • Á÷ÀåÀÎ ¹Ì±¹ ¿ø¾î¹Î ȸȭ Áß±Þ

  • ¼ö¾÷ÀϽà : ¿ù¼ö20:10-21:20

  • °³°­ÀÏ : 2025-01-06

  • Á¤¿ø : 33¸í

  • ¼ö°­·á(3°³¿ù) : 135,000¿ø


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ÄÚµå W-21 °­Á¸í Á÷ÀåÀÎ ¹Ì±¹ ¿ø¾î¹Î ȸȭ Áß±Þ
¿äÀÏ ¿ù¼ö ½Ã°£ 20:10-21:20
°³°­ÀÏ 2025-01-06 °­ÀÇ½Ç ¹Ìµð¾î1½Ç(101È£)
Á¤¿ø 33¸í ¼ö°­·á(3°³¿ù) 135,000¿ø

Steven Wiltrout

  • NorthRidgeĶ¸®Æ÷´Ï¾Æ ÁÖ¸³´ëÇб³

  • µ¿Åº ±¹Á¦°íµîÇб³, ¾È¾çºÎÈïÁßÇб³, °úõ¿Ü±¹¾î°íµîÇб³ ¿µ¾î°ú ÁÖÀÓ µî

  • Tesol (2012/ITTT) Ãëµæ

°­Á ¼¼ºÎ ³»¿ë
¼ö°­ÀÚ°Ý Basic English ability with speaking skills
±³À°¸ñÀû To improve students speaking ability
±³À°³»¿ë Students will be given a chance to practice speaking every class. Students will be given a chance to speak individually, in pairs and in group settings. Using idioms and group topic discussion points.
The instructor is a native English speaker from the United States with a BA degree in history from the University of California Northridge. He has a TESOL degree and he has taught all levels of English from kindergarten through adults in Korea for 18 years. He has previously taught at °úõ ¿Ü±¹¾î °íµîÇб³ and ¾È¾ç ºÎÈï ÁßÇб³ and µ¿Åº ±¹Á¦ °íµîÇб³.
±³Àç¸í no book ±³Àçºñ 0
Àç·áºñ nothing


ù °­Á¸¦ ¸øµé¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¾î¶»°Ô ÇØ¾ß Çϳª¿ä?
Not attending the first class is Not a problem. Just come to the next class.


ÁÖ ±³À°³»¿ë
1ÁÖÂ÷ Class Introduction / devil may care
2ÁÖÂ÷ bag and baggage / back to basics
3ÁÖÂ÷ pass the baton / with a bang
4ÁÖÂ÷ bay for blood / clear the decks
5ÁÖÂ÷ closed book / safe bet
6ÁÖÂ÷ turn the clock back / deliver the goods
7ÁÖÂ÷ catch a cold / chicken hearted
8ÁÖÂ÷ your sins will find you out / cry over spilt milk
9ÁÖÂ÷ cloak and dagger / chattering classes
10ÁÖÂ÷ scared to death / come up
11ÁÖÂ÷ carry out / wouldn¡¯t dream of
12ÁÖÂ÷ in the dark / chapter and verse


¼ö°­Èıâ : ÇöÀç 202412¿ù ¼ö°­ ȸ¿ø¸¸ ¼ö°­Èıâ ÀÛ¼º °¡´ÉÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

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